Shahao is a station on Line 12 of the Shenzhen Metro. For more details view the ExploreShenzhen interactive Metro map centered on this station.
Basic facts
English | Shahao |
Chinese (simplified) | 沙蚝 |
Located on | Line 12 |
First train/Last train
Photos near Shahao
每年聖誕 都係慶祝婆婆生日的大日子 記得細個時 婆婆屋企開兩張枱食飯 已經覺得好熱鬧 呢幾年 以前嘅表哥表姐 好多都成家立室 婆婆屋企慶祝生日 都由兩張枱 變四張枱 多左好多表嫂、表姐夫 同埋多左好多BB 非常熱鬧 很喜歡這種氣氛
Copyright: kawing213
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