
Xiaomeisha is a station on Line 8 of the Shenzhen Metro. For more details view the ExploreShenzhen interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Xiaomeisha
Chinese (simplified) 小梅沙
Located on Line 8

Map of Xiaomeisha

Tips near Xiaomeisha



6 months ago

First train/Last train

Photos near Xiaomeisha

Copyright: kevinfinisterre https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • 快上车/Hop On Right Now 快上车/Hop On Right Now
  • Color I'm here #urbexpeople #urbexpeople #color #abandoned #abandonedplaces #hotel #shenzhen #china Color I'm here #urbexpeople #urbexpeople #color #abandoned #abandonedplaces #hotel #shenzhen #china
  • #silhouette #blackandwhite #abandoned #abandonedplaces #abandonedhotel #china #silhouette #blackandwhite #abandoned #abandonedplaces #abandonedhotel #china
  • #china #flag #shenzhen #xiaomeisha #perspective #sea #seascape #water #southchina #southchinasea #zaijiao #china #flag #shenzhen #xiaomeisha #perspective #sea #seascape #water #southchina #southchinasea #zaijiao
  • 001 001
  • 002 002
  • 003 003
  • 004 004
  • 005 005
  • 006 006
  • 007 007
  • 008 008
  • 009 009
  • 010 010
  • 011 011
  • 012 012
  • 013 013
  • 014 014
  • 015 015
  • 016 016
  • 017 017
  • 018 018
  • 019 019
  • 020 020
  • 021 021
  • 046 046
  • 047 047
  • 049 049

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.