
Jingtian is a station on Line 2 and Line 9 of the Shenzhen Metro. For more details view the ExploreShenzhen interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Jingtian
Chinese (simplified) 景田
Located on Line 2 and Line 9

Map of Jingtian

Tips near Jingtian

Line 9 transfer for Wenjin be at the back of the two train


Jun 8, 2017

Good halal restaurant, Exit B


Jan 7, 2018

If you want to go to CheGongMiao line1 line11 go to the end of the train, third door


Nov 26, 2021

First train/Last train

Photos near Jingtian

(CHN-Guangdong) Showcar FAW-Toyota Crown SportCross No-plate 2024-05-24

(CHN-Guangdong) Showcar FAW-Toyota Crown SportCross No-plate 2024-05-24
Copyright: S5A-0043 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • (CHN-Guangdong) Showcar FAW-Toyota Crown SportCross No-plate 2024-05-24 (CHN-Guangdong) Showcar FAW-Toyota Crown SportCross No-plate 2024-05-24
  • (CHN-Guangdong) Showcar FAW-Toyota Allion No-plate 2024-05-24 (CHN-Guangdong) Showcar FAW-Toyota Allion No-plate 2024-05-24
  • (CHN-Guangdong) Showcar FAW-Toyota Allion No-plate rear 2024-05-24 (CHN-Guangdong) Showcar FAW-Toyota Allion No-plate rear 2024-05-24
  • (CHN-Guangdong) Showcar FAW-Toyota Crown Kluger No-plate rear 2024-05-24 (CHN-Guangdong) Showcar FAW-Toyota Crown Kluger No-plate rear 2024-05-24
  • (CHN-Guangdong) Showcar FAW-Toyota Crown Kluger No-plate 2024-05-24 (CHN-Guangdong) Showcar FAW-Toyota Crown Kluger No-plate 2024-05-24
  • (CHN-Guangdong) Showcar FAW-Toyota Izoa EV No-plate rear 2024-05-24 (CHN-Guangdong) Showcar FAW-Toyota Izoa EV No-plate rear 2024-05-24
  • IMG_2294 IMG_2294
  • 烤羊腿 烤羊腿
  • IMG_2287 IMG_2287
  • 手抓羊肉 手抓羊肉
  • IMG_2285 IMG_2285
  • 手抓羊肉 手抓羊肉
  • 地菜炒蛋 地菜炒蛋
  • 手抓羊肉 手抓羊肉
  • 手抓羊肉 手抓羊肉
  • IMG_1606 IMG_1606
  • Shenzhen Strawberry Music Festival Shenzhen Strawberry Music Festival
  • IMG_2653[1] IMG_2653[1]
  • IMG_2664[1] IMG_2664[1]
  • IMG_0550 IMG_0550
  • Peephole Peephole
  • coppice coppice
  • 窗台 窗台
  • S73F6755 S73F6755

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