Huanggang Checkpoint

Huanggang Checkpoint is a station on Line 7 of the Shenzhen Metro. For more details view the ExploreShenzhen interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Huanggang Checkpoint
Chinese (simplified) 皇岗口岸
Located on Line 7

Map of Huanggang Checkpoint

First train/Last train

Photos near Huanggang Checkpoint

Copyright: johnykw618

  • SB 2680, MAN A91 18.360 HOCL/R / Intercoach Strada SB 2680, MAN A91 18.360 HOCL/R / Intercoach Strada
  • Border crossing holiday congestion. Border crossing holiday congestion.
  • 出境 出境
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  • Some snaps from the border Some snaps from the border
  • Some snaps from the border Some snaps from the border
  • Some snaps from the border Some snaps from the border
  • upload upload
  • DSC_1429 DSC_1429
  • 001 001
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  • 006 006
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  • Anybody remember the last time it was 5 degrees in Shenzhen? Dress warm today! Anybody remember the last time it was 5 degrees in Shenzhen? Dress warm today!

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