
Baishilong is a station on Line 4 of the Shenzhen Metro. For more details view the ExploreShenzhen interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Baishilong
Chinese (simplified) 白石龙
Located on Line 4

Map of Baishilong

Tips near Baishilong



Feb 7, 2015

last train to Qinghu 23:17

Nov 12, 2015

First train/Last train

Photos near Baishilong

Copyright: kevinfinisterre

  • IMG_3360 IMG_3360
  • Christine Christine
  • IMG_9681 IMG_9681
  • IMG_9682 IMG_9682
  • IMG_8880.JPG IMG_8880.JPG
  • IMG_8879.JPG IMG_8879.JPG
  • IMG_8878.JPG IMG_8878.JPG
  • 横店影视城看《快乐到家》 横店影视城看《快乐到家》

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