深圳地铁 Stats

Note that the exact count of stations depends on exactly which 深圳地铁 lines are included, and whether interchange stations are counted multiple times for each line.

Number of lines
Number of stations
Number of stations (counting interchanges as multiple stations)
Number of interchange stations
Line with the most stations
12号线 (39)
Line with the fewest stations
6号线支线 (4)
Longest journey
144 minutes from 田心 to 沙井古墟
Stations by line

1号线 = 30

2号线 = 32

3号线 = 38

4号线 = 23

5号线 = 34

6号线 = 27

6号线支线 = 4

7号线 = 29

8号线 = 11

9号线 = 32

10号线 = 24

11号线 = 21

12号线 = 39

13号线 = 7

14号线 = 18

16号线 = 24

20号线 = 5

Station with most interchanges
车公庙 (1号线7号线9号线11号线), 岗厦北 (2号线10号线11号线14号线)
Most northerly station
深理工 (6号线支线)
Most easterly station
田心 (16号线)
Most southerly station
左炮台东 (12号线)
Most westerly station
会展城 (20号线)